Saturday, July 18, 2009

Blame our children?

Blame Our Children?
I've heard some people say, "It's our children's fault! They voted for this current administration!" Well, in my humble opinion, I disagree. There were a lot of dissenters in the former administration. They were 'ready' for a 'different' approach - not republican, not democratic. They did not want a 'main-stream' politician; and they seemed to not care what agenda he was pushing. Every group had its own agenda. N.O.W. advocates looked for a pro-abortion, pro-women's rights activist. The anti-corporation people wanted someone who would stand up against big business. The anarchists wanted someone who pushed against big government. The list is longer than I can mention.
However, they listened to words literally and they neglected to read between the lines. They also did pay close attention to ACTIONS. Their choice was a person to whom deceptive words and phrases were the tools of his trade. He knows how to speak in terms that motivate people in a way to make them believe that he is their correct man in office; yet his actions are self-appealing: they act in his favor, to his agenda. He care little what his constituents, his employers think or want.
Our children's fault? Look at how our education system has been 'dumbed-down' over the decades. Our standards of achievement have been lowered, intentionally. Social advancement has been promoted over realistic levels of learning. When you ask an adult, in a serious, professional field (such as journalism) to pronounce a well known museum in France, the Louvre, you hear it spoken as the Museum of Love. Ask the same person where it is located, don't be surprised if they do not have a clue. I'm joking? Not at all. I experienced this on live television in our hometown! Ho do you think our next generation of children will react to those same questions? Better or worse?
I blame our employees (politicians) for not emphasizing the importance of education and for not funding realistic lesson plans and hiring professional teachers who care about higher standards. I blame sheeple for not voicing their complaints and for not voting competent employees into office. I blame myself for waiting this long to react as I should have decades ago!
How do you feel?